Maps and Records


MP # MP-56-043
Subdivision Yes
Scanned Yes
Book 56
Page 043
Sequence No
Township 14S
Range 15E
Section 08
Description Centrepark II, and RCP Subdivision, lots 23-27, 117, 118, Common Areas "A", Open Space) and "B" (Private Street), abd Block A, B, and C. A resubdivision of Lots 1-27, lots 117-131, common area A, A portion of common areas B & C, and block A of Centrepark, lots 1-131, common areas A, B, & C, and block A, as recorded in Book 51, Page 69 of Maps and Plats, a portion of the West 1/2 if the Southeast 1/4 of Sec. 8, T14, R15E, G&SRM, Piam County Arizona. Also Contains Tentative Plat
Construction Plan
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