Maps and Records

Miscellanous Surveys

Z # Description Township Range Section
Z-2021-0123 Z-2021-0123, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, AVENIDA DOS VISTA T13S R12E 27
Z-2021-0122 Z-2021-0122, S1/4 CORNER, GORET RD. / GRANNEN RD. T13S R13E 29
Z-2021-0121 Z-2021-0121, 6842 N. SOLAS CUARTO / CIRCULO SOLAZ , bk. 28 of maps and plats pg. 43 T13S R14E 05
Z-2021-0120 Z-2021-0120, CALLE OREO, bk. 06 of maps and plats pg. 57 T13S R14E 17
Z-2021-0119 Z-2021-0119, NE 1/4, 1850 N. DRAGOON ST., RIVERVIEW BL. / DRAGOON ST., , bk. 06 of maps and plats pg. 11 T14S R13E 03
Z-2021-0118 Z-2021-0118, 8900 N. CAMINO CORONADO, bk. 07 of maps and plats pg. 70 T12S R13E 23
Z-2021-0117 Z-2021-0117, PLACITA DEL LOBO, , bk. 16 of maps and plats pg. 88 T13S R13E 10
Z-2021-0116 Z-2021-0116, CAMINO SUMO, bk. 48 of maps and plats pg. 24 T13S R14E 21
Z-2021-0115 Z-2021-0115,1555 W. CALLE TIBURON, bk. 16 of maps and plats pg. 88 T13S R13E 10
Z-2021-0114 Z-2021-0114, SUSET RD. SW 1/4, NW 1/4, T13S R12E 15
Z-2021-0113 Z-2021-0113 SW 1/4, SE 1/4, T13S R12E 22
Z-2021-0112 Z-2021-0112, NW 1/4, 1030 W ROLLER COASTER RD, bk. 16 of maps and plats pg. 98, ROLLER COASTER RD. / GRANDE AV. T13S R13E 14
Z-2021-0111 Z-2021-0111, NE 1/4, 3RD ST. / RICHEY BL., bk. 03 of maps and plats pg. 107 T14S R14E 09
Z-2021-0110 Z-2021-0110, APACHE HILLS TRAIL / FORT YUMA TRAIL, bk. 24 of maps and plats pg. 31 T13S R14E 13
Z-2021-0109 Z-2021-0109, NW 1/4, bk. 03 of maps and plats pg. 70 T14S R13E 13
Z-2021-0108 Z-2021-0108 T18S R17E 05
Z-2021-0107 Z-2021-0107, 2ND ST. / STONE AV., bk 03 of maps and plats pg. 15 T13S R13E 03
Z-2021-0106 Z-2021-0106, NE 1/4, SE 1/4. WETMORE RD. / 4311 N. LA CHOLLA BL. T13S R13E 21
Z-2021-0105 Z-2021-0105, BELLEVUE ST. / COLUMBUS BL., bk. 03 of maps and plats pg. 87 T14S R14E 03
Z-2021-0104 Z-2021-0104, FAIRMOUNT ST. / COLUMBUS BL., bk. 03 of maps and plats pg. 87 T14S R14E 03
Z-2021-0103 Z-2021-0103, 4102 E. CORONADO DR. , bk. 17 of maps and plats pg. 67 T13S R14E 03
Z-2021-0102 Z-2021-0102, 6419 N BURRO CREEK, bk. 27 of maps and plats pg. 15 T13S R14E 04
Z-2021-0101 Z-2021-0101, 99-17, EVERETT M. TRUEBLOOD, 2744 and 2752 N. EDITH, GLENN AV. / EDITH BL., LOT 6, BLOCK 7, bk. 04 of maps and plats pg. 58 T13S R14E 33
Z-2021-0100 Z-2021-0100, 2ND ST. / 1ST AV. , bk. 03 of maps and plats pg. 69 T14S R14E 07
Z-2021-0099 Z-2021-0099, PARK AV. / 7TH ST., bk. 01 of maps and plats pg. 04 T14S R14E 07
Z-2021-0098 Z-2021-0098, 98-222, EVERETT TRUEBLOOD, 7444 E. BROADWAY BL., bk. 11 of maps and plats pg. 99 T14S R15E 17
Z-2021-0097 Z-2021-0097, 4814 N SWAN RD, 228.46' (S 88d, 35' 28"W) from SW corner of 131414 (township) x 5.74'. T13S R14E 14
Z-2021-0096 Z-2021-0096, TREAT AV. / 2817 E HELEN ST., bk. 04 of maps and plats pg. 97 T14S R14E 05
Z-2021-0095 Z-2021-0095, bk. 30 of maps and plats pg. 79 T13S R14E 35
Z-2021-0094 Z-2021-0094, QUARTZ HILL DR., bk. 24 of maps and plats pg. 67 T13S R15E 21
Z-2021-0093 Z-2021-0093 T13S R15E 13
Z-2021-0092 Z-2021-0092, CALLE CATALINA / FREEMAN RD. T14S R16E 19
Z-2021-0091 Z-2021-0091, 107 W. FLORES ST. / 10TH AV. , bk. 03 of maps and plats pg. 117 T14S R13E 01
Z-2021-0090 Z-2021-0090, GLENN ST. / MARTIN AV. , bk. 05 of maps and plats pg. 41 T13S R14E 31
Z-2021-0089 Z-2021-0089, SE 1/4, 7496 N CAMINO SIN VACAS, CAMINO SIN VACAS / CALLE SIN PECADO, bk. 28 of maps and plats pg. 54 T12S R14E 32
Z-2021-0088 Z-2021-0088, bk. 16 of maps and plats pg. 25 T13S R14E 03
Z-2021-0087 Z-2021-0087, NE 1/4, 4800 N CAMINO SUMO, CAMINO SUMO / SUMO QUINTO, bk. 40 of maps and plats pg. 43 T13S R14E 21
Z-2021-0086 Z-2021-0086, SW 1/4, SW 1/4,STONE AV. / ROGER RD. T13S R13E 24
Z-2021-0085 Z-2021-0085, HELMET PEAK RD. / AVENIDA QUARTO, bk. 13 of plats and maps pg. 50 T17S R13E 17
Z-2021-0084 Z-2021-0084, JAGGED CANYON PL, bk. 45 of plats and maps pg. 20 T13S R15E 19
Z-2021-0083 Z-2021-0083, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, EL CAMINO DEL CERRO T13S R12E 22
Z-2021-0082 Z-2021-0082, NW 1/4, SW 1/4, LA CANADA DR. T13S R13E 11
Z-2021-0081 Z-2021-0081, 3260 VIA PALOS VERDE, bk. 05 of maps and plats pg. 32 T14S R14E 16
Z-2021-0080 Z-2021-0080, NE 1/4, SW 1/4, T13S R16E 20
Z-2021-0079 Z-2021-0079, SW 1/4, T13S R16E 17
Z-2021-0078 Z-2021-0078, NW 1/4, 215 W VALLE DEL ORO RD, VALLE DEL ORO RD. / GREENOCK DR,, bk. 13 of maps and plats pg. 60 T12S R13E 13
Z-2021-0077 Z-2021-0077, SW 1/4, 8741 E WOODLAND RD., bk. 09 of maps and plats pg. 21, TANQUE VERDE RD. / E. WOODLAND RD. T13S R15E 34
Z-2021-0076 Z-2021-0076bk. 26 of maps and plats pg. 09, SEE SURVEY # 85-93---( Z-2018-335, Z-2018-402, Z-2020-458) T18S R13E 03
Z-2021-0075 Z-2021-0075, SW 1/4, EL MORAGA DR. / GORET RD. T13S R13E 29
Z-2021-0074 Z-2021-0074, E 1/2, SW 1/4, CLOUD RD. / LARREA LN, T13S R15E 28

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