S-66-022 |
Proposed Right-of-way acquisiton of Block ''Q'' of Catalina Vista |
57 |
Yes |
S-66-023 |
Park Avenue & Irvington Road - Proposed widening in Southwest ¼, Southeast ¼, Section 31, T14S, R14E |
57 |
Yes |
S-66-024 |
Drainage Easement to be acquired in Lots 2 & 3, Block 3 of Colonial Addition |
57 |
Yes |
S-66-025 |
Alley to be vacated in Block 162 of the ''City of Tucson'' lying within ''Santa Rosa Park'' |
57 |
Yes |
S-66-026 |
Vacation of alleys in Blocks 149, 150, 169, & 170 of the ''City of Tucson'', lying within ''Santa Rosa Park'' |
57 |
Yes |
S-66-027 |
Proposed Right-of-way to be acquired in West ½, Lots 2 & 3, Block ''B'', in Hedrick Acreage Number 1 |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-000 |
- 1967 - Class ''S'' LEGAL SIZE DRAWINGS: Includes all classes except architectural |
- 1967 - |
No |
S-67-001 |
Proposed Annexation of parts of Section 22, T14S, R15E, G. & S.R.B. & M. |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-002 |
Elchuck-6th Street Rezoning Northwest Corner 6th Street & Park Avenue |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-003 |
Drainage Structure - Fort Lowell at Columbus Boulevard |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-004 |
Proposed Widening of Campbell Avenue in Block 25 of Jefferson Park Addition and Proposed Vacation of Grant Road lying Northerly of Block 25 |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-005 |
Northwest Corner Tucson Boulevard & Elvira - Res. 6703 Parcel 0/1 Exhibit ''A'' |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-006 |
Proposed Widening of Alvernon Way at Speedway Boulevard Northeast & Northwest Corners |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-007 |
Proposed Drainage Easement - Block 2 Colonial Estates |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-008 |
Right-of-way to be acquired for Roadway purposes through Covernment owned parcel in Northwest ¼, Northwest ¼, Section 10, T14S, R13E |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-009 |
Proposed Sewer Easement through G.C. Albright Property on West Simmons Road |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-010 |
Void -- Country Club Road And 22nd Street -- Northwest corner. Proposed Right-of-way Revision -- Void |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-011 |
Proposed Re-alignment of Fletcher Avenue at Irvington Road |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-012 |
Property to be acquired for proposed Park Site in Northwest ¼, Northwest ¼, Section Number, T14S, R14E |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-013 |
Proposed Annexation of Parts of Southeast Section 22, T14S, T15E |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-014 |
Main Avenue - Proposd Relocation at Congress Street |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-015 |
Traffic Island Landscaping, Euclid Avenue at 1st Street |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-016 |
Proposed Sewer Easement in Southwest ¼, Section 2, T14S, R13E |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-017 |
Sketch of Proposed Drainageway & Alley changes in Lot 78 of ''Centennial Park Number 2, Lots 1 through 78'' |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-018 |
Right-of-way for Water Supply Purposes through Government owned land in Northwest ¼, Northeast ¼, Section 13, T15S, R12E |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-019 |
Proposed Area to be Annexed to the City of Tucson in the Southeast ¼, Section 16, T14S, R15E |
57 |
Yes |
S-67-020 |
Pedestrian Ramp for the University of Arizona |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-000 |
- 1968 - Class ''S'' LEGAL SIZE DRAWINGS: Includes all classes except architectural |
- 1968 - |
No |
S-68-001 |
Proposed Annexation of a portion of the North ½ of Section 22, T14S, R15E, G. & S.R.B. & M. |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-002 |
Proposed Opening of Riverview Street through to Silverbell Road |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-003 |
lley Re-alignment Blocks 3 & 4 Paseo Redondo |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-004 |
Vacation of Santa Rita Avenue lying between Silverlake and Mountain: and alley in West ½, Block 11 of Mirasol Addition |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-005 |
Exhibit _________ to Myerson Ownership Participation agreement (Block 209, City of Tucson) |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-005A |
Exhibit _________ to Myerson Ownership Participation agreement (Block 209, City of Tucson) |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-006 |
Proposed Widening of Park Avenue and Opening of Alley in Lots 1, 2, 3, 31, and 32 of Block 4 of ''Southland Park'' Subdivision |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-007 |
Lots 44 through 51 El Encanto Estates |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-008 |
Rodeo Wash, Dedication of through Rodeo Grounds |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-009 |
Proposed Annexation of Part of North ½, of Section 27, T14S, T15E |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-010 |
Extension of Right-of-way on Fresno Street of Melwood Avenue East of Melwood Avenue |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-011 |
Proposed Annexation of portions of Sections 20, 28, & 29, T14S, R14E |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-012 |
Proposed Re-alignment of drainage easement through lot 195 in El Dorado Hills |
57 |
Yes |
S-68-013 |
Proposed Annexation of West ½, Northwest ¼, Southeast ¼, Section 30, T14S, R15E to the City of Tucson |
57 |
Yes |
S-69-000 |
- 1969 - Class ''S'' LEGAL SIZE DRAWINGS: Includes all classes except architectural |
- 1969 - |
No |
S-69-001 |
Area Annexed by Ordinance Number 486 |
57 |
No |
S-69-002 |
Area Annexed by Ordinance Number 616 |
57 |
No |
S-69-003 |
Area Annexed by Ordinance Number 624 |
57 |
No |
S-69-004 |
Women's Restroom & Lounge - for Water Department -- Steel Building At Plant Number 1 -- NOTE: See Sa-70-001 |
No |
S-69-005 |
Condemnation Exhibit Lot 1, Block 23, Sunset Villa Addition |
57 |
Yes |
S-69-006 |
Proposed Annexation of the East ½, Southeast ½, Section 4, T14S, R15E, to the City of Tucson |
57 |
Yes |
S-69-007 |
Proposed ''Turn-Around'' in the North ½, of South ½, Lot 3, Section 30, T14S, R14E, G. & S.R.B. & M., Pima County, Arizona (East end Graybill Drive) |
57 |
Yes |