Maps and Records

Construction Plans

Plan # Description Film Roll Scanned
A-000 Class ''A'' CITY-OWNED PROPERTY: Old Lot, Block and Boundary Surveys, City of Tucson Records of Survey. Drawings Before 1962 - 000 - No
A-001 Plat of Subdivision of MILITARY PLAZA, Tucson, Arizona Territory. Dated 1899 Surveyed by Philip Contzen, City Engineer. Adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Tucson, Arizona Territory at a Regular Meeting on this 4th Day of December 1899. By Order of the City Council of date 5th January 1903, to be filed in the Office of the Recorder of Pima County, Arizona. Signed Frank S. Treat. Filed 13th Feburary 1903, Jophn Gardinet, City Engineer. Being official Subdivision adopted by the Mayor and Council and filed in the Recorders Office being Blocks 256, 257, 258, and 259. 1 Yes
A-002 - Void - - Void - No
A-003 Blocks 1 thru 4, 6, 7, 22, 23, 24, & 29, CITY OF TUCSON, a certified plat as recorded being an official subdivision of said lots. 1 Yes
A-004 Block 221, LOT 14, & official survey adopted by the Mayor & Council & attached to Block 221 by Res. Number 86 1 Yes
A-005 Lots owned by the City of Tucson, South of 17th Street being a map of BLOCKS 120 to 170 inclusive. An official map approved & adopted by the Mayor & Council of Tucson, October 5, 1903 1 Yes
A-006 - Void - - Void - No
A-007 Block 121, CITY OF TUCSON, a complete survey showing base lines around & all lots as effected by Stone Avenue map, shows also width of sidewalks & distances between bolts as established on the base lines 1 Yes
A-008 CEMETERIES IN TUCSON, on Speedway & 2nd Street shows portions belonging to different organizations with dimensions & streets. SEE A-070 for present state of these lands. Court Street Cemetery July 1907 1 Yes
A-009 BLOCK 203, Transfers in between Fish, Jacobs & City of Tucson Map. Gives bearings & distances of all portions including part of Block 221 & part known as Pearl Street Also bearings & distances of part of Block purchased by City for Main Street widening. 1 Yes
A-010 Block. 225, Plat of Survey & adjustment, shows bearing, distances and all lots & subdivisions. 1 Yes
A-011 - Void - - Void - No
A-012 Block 198, LOTS 3, 4 & 8 shows original lot lines & streets surrounding with bearings of said streets 1 Yes
A-013 Block 225, resurvey & adjustment of, certified copy adopted by council. Original & present lot lines with distances & bearings, complete survey. 1 Yes
A-014 Block 100, gives dimensions & shows overlaps on account of faulty deeds, owners shown 1 Yes
A-015 Block 249, resurvey & adjustment of, bearings & distances, shows SPRR as it affects the block. 1 Yes
A-016 Block 134 to 141 incl. & 156 to 163 Incl. CITY OF TUCSON survey, iron and stone monuments & adobe buildings in streets. No bearings given. 1 Yes
A-017 - Void - - Void - No
A-018 Block 198, Lots & dimensions, no bearings 1 Yes
A-019 - Void - - Void - No
A-020 - Void - - Void - No
A-021 - Void - - Void - No
A-022 - Void - - Void - No
A-023 Block 200, relocation survey, distances, bearings, notes on survey. 1 Yes
A-024 - Void - - Void - No
A-025 Block 250, lots, dimensions, frontage on Southern Pacific Railroad Right-Of-Way 1 Yes
A-026 - Void - - Void - No
A-027 Block 198, Lots 2, 6, & 7, bearings & distances 1 Yes
A-028 Block 173, Lots & their dimensions, shows Perry Street thru center of block 1 Yes
A-029 BLOCK 248, bearings & distances with tie to Southwest corner of Block 92. Shows tracts deeded by City to John Ivancovich & K.L. Hart & tract deeded by Ivancovich to City of Tucson. 1 Yes
A-030 NELSON BLOCK, bearings & distances, tie to SE corner boundary line between Feldmans & Buells Additions 5 Yes
A-031 Block 56 & 171, Lots, dimensions arroyo & railroad as affecting 1 Yes
A-032 Block 208, lots, bearings & dimensions 5 Yes
A-033 Block 74, lots, dimensions arroyo as affecting same, all buildings on block with their dimensions. 1 Yes
A-034 RODEO FIELD, on S. 6th Avenue gives dimensions & acreage. 1 Yes
A-035 BLOCK 180, CITY OF TUCSON, distances, bearings; plat to accompany deed from City to Belle J. Barnes & Josephine B. Martin 1 Yes
A-036 - Void - - Void - No
A-037 - Void - - Void - No
A-038 BLOCK 55, & LOT ''B'', McKinley Pk. Addition bearings & distances 5 Yes
A-039 LOTS WEST OF CITY, incomplete map, shows no distance or bearings; course of river & E.P. & S.W.R.R. grounds & R/W as affecting White Lots. Outline of Paseo Redondo & Goldsmith's Addition 1 Yes
A-040 SECTION 34, T. 13S., R. 13E. & SEC. 3, T. 14S., R.13E., survey & traverse of Vail Tract in, shows river with traverse along west bank. 1 Yes
A-041 - Void - - Void - No
A-042 BLOCK 172, LOT 1 & BLOCK 171, resubdivision of, distances, bearings, complete survey with closures figured, etc. Establishes definite boundarys of N. Meyer Street with profiles around Block 171. 1 Yes
A-043 FAIRLAND ACRES, Lots in sizes & acreage, with list of Sections affected. 1 Yes
A-044 BLOCK 37, CITY OF TUCSON, showing encroachment of Lot on 4th Street. 1 Yes
A-045 - Void - - Void - No
A-046 BLOCK 177, CITY OF TUCSON, survey of bearings & distances around boundary. Gives angles. 5 Yes
A-047 BLOCK 208, CITY OF TUCSON, compl. survey or resurvey & adjustment with bearings & distances. Also a tracing showing later subd. of lots with a proposed alley. 5 Yes
A-048 BLOCK 228, shows misc. distances & lots, pencilled. 1 Yes
A-049 - Void - - Void - No

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