Maps and Records

Construction Plans

Plan # Description Film Roll Scanned
E-060 Profile along 20 Street showing proposed storm water conduit 3 Yes
E-061 Surface Water Course in the Tucson Area 3 Yes
E-062 20th Street Drainage profile -- 10th Avenue to the Santa Cruz River 3 Yes
E-063 Drainage Property map, Southwest City Limits Line 3 Yes
E-064 Flood Control Study Map 3 Yes
E-065 Contour Map of area between Manlove Street and 22nd Street and Cherry Avenue and Camplell Avenue 3 Yes
E-066 Contour and Property Map of Arroyo Chico 3 & 49 Yes
E-067 - Void - - Void - No
E-068 - Void - - Void - No
E-069 - Void - - Void - No
E-070 Location of Arroyo Property, Perry Street to River 3 Yes
E-071 Plan-Profile Cherry Avenue and 12th Street culvert and Drainage Ditch 3 Yes
E-072 Location proposed Flood Control Channel (Kinnison Ditch Number 1) 3 Yes
E-073 Drainage in Block 15, Feldmans Addition 3 Yes
E-074 Location proposed Flood Control Channel (Kinnison Ditch Number 2) 3 Yes
E-075 - Void - - Void - No
E-076 Pantano and Rincon Wash -- Soil Conservation Survey Prints -- MISSING Missing No
E-077 BIG ARROYO, 1st Avenue to 10th Street 3 Yes
E-078 E.P. & S.W.R.R. Culvert Drainage condition, between 17th Street and 18th Street, 141314SE 3 Yes
E-079 Building Dimension, Tucson Arroyo Channel 3 Yes
E-080 West Mabel Street Drainage 3 Yes
E-081 Sunnyside Addition Drainage, Blocks Number 5 and Number 6 3 Yes
E-082 Topographical Map Showing drainage condition for Block between 8th Street and 9th Street, Wilson and Norton Avenue (Pt. Section 8, T14S, R14E) 3 Yes
E-083 Location of Drainage, Channel Blocks Number 53, Number 54, Number 55, Number 56, Bronx Park 3 Yes
E-084 - Void - - Void - No
E-085 Flowing Wells Irrigation District Canal Section 2, 11, 15, and part of Section 23, T14S, R13E- 3 Yes
E-086 Drainage along S.P.R.R.,West 12th Avenue Crossing to Speedway 3 Yes
E-087 - Void - - Void - No
E-088 - Void - - Void - No
E-089 - Void - - Void - No
E-090 McKiley Park Drainage, Flowing Wells Diversion Channel 3 Yes
E-091 Drainage through Block Number 21, Fairmount Addition, June 1947 3 Yes
E-092 ConourMap -- 25 feet interval T14S, R13-14-15 Note: MISSING Missing No
E-093 Tucson Arroyo Drainage Map 3 Yes
E-094 Tucson Dirversion Channel 5 Yes
E-095 Tucson Arroyo Drainage Area as of July, 1943 Note: MISSING Missing No
E-096 - Void - - Void - No
E-097 - Void - - Void - No
E-098 Proposed Drainage of Block 16, Rincon Heights 7A Yes
E-099 Proposed ditch and reservoir location - EFFLUENT DISPOSAL, Tucson Sewage Disposal Plant 3 Yes
E-100 Drainage in Block 32, City of Tucson 3 Yes
E-101 Tucson Arroyo Watershed, Showing Military Airbase, Principle Drainage Pattern & Pima County Flood Control Proposal 3 Yes
E-102 Proposal EFFLUENT DITCH at SEWAGE DISPOSAL and DETAILED Parshall Flume 3 Yes
E-103 - Void - - Void - No
E-104 Block 51, University Heights Drainage Study 3 Yes
E-105 Study of Washout of Simpson Street at the Julian Wash, Storm July 14, 1953 3 Yes
E-106 Arryo System & nundation Area as of Storm of July 14, 1953 NOTE: 3 Sheets 3 Yes
E-107 Proposed Santa Cruz River Alignment change, at Speedway 3 Yes
E-108 Mercer Johnson Property showing contition Southeast corner of East 1st Street and Echols Lane 3 Yes
E-109 Proposed Grading of the ditch East Side of Randolph Way 3 Yes