S-029 |
Distances - Tucson Airport to other Airports |
60 |
Yes |
S-030 |
Tucson Airport Extension - Scale 1 inch = 1500 feet |
60 |
Yes |
S-031 |
Municipal Airport - Program location part Section 18, T15S, R14E -- NOTE: Missing |
Missing |
No |
S-032 |
Main Street Culvert - Additional intake basin south of Broadway |
57 |
Yes |
S-033 |
Tucson Rock and Sand Company Lease |
57 |
Yes |
S-034 |
United States Bombing Field |
57 |
Yes |
S-035 |
American Airline Inc. Land Lease of Administration Building |
57 |
Yes |
S-036 |
Guard Rails for Light Nells - W.P.A. Building |
60 |
Yes |
S-037 |
West City Limits Survey on Anita Street |
58 |
Yes |
S-038 |
Sewage Disposal Works Flow Diagram |
60 |
Yes |
S-039 |
Main Street Widening Improvement |
60 |
Yes |
S-803A |
Proposed widening of East Pima Street & opening alleys in vicinity of Palo Verde Avenue (Abram-Palo Verde Avenue Rezoning C9-60-155) (5/61) |
58 |
Yes |
S-040 |
Site of Proposed Colored Recreation Center |
60 |
Yes |
S-041 |
Encroachment by New Process Lime Co. on City of Tucson Property Section 11, T14S, R13E, Lot 14 |
58 |
Yes |
S-042 |
Municipal Airport Number 2, Entrance Right-of-Way over Southern Pacific Railroad |
60 |
Yes |
S-043 |
City of Tucson Map City Limits Extension North of 150 feet South of Broadway Blvd. and West of Country Club Road |
57 |
Yes |
S-044 |
Lease to National Iron & Metal Co. Parcel of Section 11, T14S, R13E, G. & S.R.B. & M. |
57 |
Yes |
S-045 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
S-046 |
Tucson Municipal Airport |
57 |
Yes |
S-047 |
Lease to National Iron and Metail Co, 1/07 Parcel of Section 11, T14S, R13E, GandSRBandM |
Yes |
S-048 |
Colored Swimming Pool Site, Block 1, Lots 14, 15, 18, and 19 Mountain View Addition Contours |
58 |
Yes |
S-049 |
Incinerator Hopper Assembly |
Yes |
S-050 |
Municipal Airport Subdivision |
58 |
Yes |
S-051 |
Land Option Section 19 South of Municipal Airport |
57 |
Yes |
S-052 |
Pantano Wash thru Section 17, 20, and 29 14-15 |
57 |
Yes |
S-053 |
Airport Runway at Administration Building |
58 |
Yes |
S-054 |
Detail of Inverted Sewer Siphon, Cherry Avenue between 8th Street and 9th Street |
60 |
Yes |
S-055 |
Cross Section all weather road army air base |
57 |
Yes |
S-056 |
Airport Transformer Room Door Detail |
57 |
Yes |
S-057 |
Catch Basin Frame and Grating |
57 |
Yes |
S-058 |
Airline Distances - Tucson to Airbases and Schools |
57 |
Yes |
S-059 |
Removal of Steel Rails from Streets |
57 |
Yes |
S-305A |
Bonita Street and Congress Street, Mrs. Amado, That parcel of land described in Book 303, Page 3 D.R.E. |
Yes |
S-060 |
Davis-Monthan Air Base - Location of C.A.A. Standby Power Plant |
58 |
Yes |
S-061 |
Jail Door |
60 |
Yes |
S-062 |
Lease to United States Government part of Randolph Park NOTE: Plan MISSING |
Missing |
No |
S-063 |
Copy of plat accompanying petition for closing Santa Rita Avenue between 17th Street and 18th Street |
57 |
Yes |
S-064 |
J.M. Bingham Lease to City Land in T14S, R13E (SW¼ Section 3) |
57 |
Yes |
S-065 |
Flight Strip United States Army Bombing Range |
57 |
Yes |
S-066 |
Lease to United States Department of Agriculture in Sections 20 and 21, T13S, R13E, G. & S.R.B. & M. |
57 |
Yes |
S-067 |
Restaurant Facility Location, Municipal Airport Number 2 |
57 |
Yes |
S-068 |
Restaurant Facility, Plan and Layout, Municipal Airport |
57 |
Yes |
S-069 |
Land Lease to American Airlines, Inc. for proposed addition to garage |
57 |
Yes |
S-606A |
Drainageway, Alley, Widening of Belvedere and 3rd Street in South 512.54 feet of Northeast ¼ Northeast ¼ Setion 10, T14S, R14E |
Yes |
S-706A |
Proposed drainageway & street widening in Lot 25 of Elstone Subdivision |
57 |
Yes |
S-070 |
Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-Way across Lot 2, Section 18, T15S, R14E (Municipal Airport) |
57 |
Yes |
S-071 |
Traffic Survey Cherry and Factory Avenue Intersection |
57 |
Yes |
S-072 |
Restaurant Site Reserved from Consolidated Lease |
57 |
Yes |
S-073 |
Lease of City Property to United States Government Lots 4, 5, and 8, Block 244 City of Tucson |
57 |
Yes |
S-074 |
Sub-Lease of Land to United States Government Lots 8 thru 10, Block 12, Riecker's Addition |
57 |
Yes |