Maps and Records

Construction Plans

Plan # Description Film Roll Scanned
S-93-019 Southeast Corner @ Grant Road & Forbs Boulevard, Electrical Easement & Acquisition 134 Yes
S-93-020 Proposed ''Silverbell - Ironwood Hill'' District Annexation 134 Yes
S-93-021 Proposed ''Interstate-10 & Orange Grove'' District Annexation 134 Yes
S-93-022 Right-of-way to be acquired, Tanque Verde between Pima Street and Camino Principal 134 Yes
S-93-023 Right-of-way to be acquired, South 6th Avenue and 22nd Street Intersection Yes
S-93-024 Cerrada De Beto (Formerly Introspect Drive) Widening, Surplus Property to be Sold, Request for Proposel Number 535 135 Yes
S-93-025 Nebraska Wash Improvement Project, Right-of-way to be acquired 135 Yes
S-93-026 Electrical Easement & Acquisition - Southwest from Grant Road & Forbs Boulevard Intersection 135 Yes
S-93-027 Electrical Easement & Acquisition - Southeast from Grant Road & Forbs Boulevard Intersection 135 Yes
S-93-028 Area to be Dedicated for Right-of-way for Southwest Corner of Wetmore Boulevard & Stone Avenue 135 Yes
S-93-029 Proposed Electric Easement Southeast Corner 3rd Street & Country Club Road 135 Yes
S-93-030 Proposed Electrical Easement Lot 1, Block 1, of Morningside Annexation Number 1 135 No
S-93-031 Proposed ''IBM'' Annexation District 135 Yes
S-93-032 Proposed ''Tucson International Airport'' Annexation District 135 Yes
S-94-000 - 1994 - Class ''S'' LEGAL SIZE DRAWINGS: Includes all classes except architectural - 1994 - No
S-94-001 Proposed ''Ina Road & Thornydale Road (A)'' Annexation District 135 Yes
S-94-002 Proposed ''Ina Road & Thornydale Road (B)'' Annexation District 135 Yes
S-94-003 Proposed Van Buskirk School Bus Area 138 Yes
S-94-004 Bus Shelter Easement on park Avenue between Helen Street and Speedway Boulevard 138 Yes
S-94-005 Los Reales & South 6th Avenue, Mitchell Addition Block 5, Flood Prone Property Acquisition 138 Yes
S-94-006 Proposed ''Camino De La Tierra'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-007 Campbell Avenue & Grant Road Intersection Improvements (TTSP) No
S-94-008 Proposed ''Palo Verde North'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-009 Campbell Avenue & Grant Road Intersection Construction License No
S-94-010 Helen Street & Country Club Road, Right-of-way Take Northwest Corner 138 Yes
S-94-011 Area to be Dedicated for Right-of-Way No
S-94-012 Area To Be Acquired, 1137 North 6th Avenue 138 Yes
S-94-013 Area To Be Acquired, Van Tran Facility 138 Yes
S-94-014 Miscellaneous Spot Improvement - Benson Highway to Fair Street 138 Yes
S-94-015 Palo Verde Park Pedestrian Bridge 138 Yes
S-94-016 Drainage Easement & Temporary Construction Easement - Ajo Way & Forgeus Avenue No
S-94-017 Proposed ''Palo Verde South'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-018 Proposed ''Capana De Plata'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-019 Land to be acquired for Speedway Boulevard @ Alamo Wash Drainage Improvement 138 Yes
S-94-020 Proposed ''Rocket Stravenue'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-021 Country Club Road Between 22nd Street and 30th Street Overlay (C.O. to SR210) No
S-94-022 Temporary Construction Easement For: 1132 North Tyndall Avenue & 1125 North De Niza Avenue 138 Yes
S-94-023 Tempory Construction 7 Drainage Easement For Banister Drive 138 Yes
S-94-024 Fairmont Street East of Grady Avenue (Dirt Street Paving Program 1994) 138 No
S-94-025 Proposed ''Rillito'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-026 Proposed ''Melpomine Way'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-027 Parcel ''M'', to be acquired 2474 s.f. 22nd Street & South 6th Avenue Intersection 138 Yes
S-94-028 Parcel K & L, to be acquired 431 South of 22nd Street & South 6th Avenue Intersection 138 Yes
S-94-029 Proposed Tucson Airport Authority / University of Arizona Exchange Parcel 138 Yes
S-94-030 Proposed ''State Land/Inverington'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-031 Proposed ''Rillito South'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-032 Proposed ''Los Reales'' Annexation District 138 Yes
S-94-032A Boundary Survey Reid Park Tennis Center 138 Yes
S-94-033 Boundary Survey Reid Park Zoo Yes
S-94-034 Proposed ''Palo Verde / Chaparral'' Annexation District 138 Yes