Maps and Records

Construction Plans

Plan # Description Film Roll Scanned
U-86-004 Fort Lowell Park Overflow Parking Lot NOTE: Not built - Mylar Destroyed 12/27/95 No
U-87-000 - 1987 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1987 - No
U-87-001 Tucson City Center-Traffic Signals & Street Lights Re-Installation (Paper Only) 87 Yes
U-87-002 - Void - - Void - No
U-87-003 22nd Street between Tucson Boulevard & Kino Boulevard Barriers 131 Yes
U-88-000 - 1988 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1988 - No
U-88-001 Arcadia Wash Bike Path Glenn Street to Grant Road No
U-88-002 Arcadia Wash Bike Path Glenn Street to Grant Road No
U-89-000 - 1989 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1989 - No
U-89-001 Richland Heights West - Traffic Deviators NOTE: AD Series AD-0739 110 Yes
U-90-000 - 1990 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1990 - No
U-90-001 Pennington/Toole - Traffic 111 Yes
U-90-002 Anklam/Greasewood Traffic 111 Yes
U-90-003 22nd/Grasewood 111 Yes
U-90-004 Mission Road - Mission Lane to 22nd Street Bike Lane Improvement 123 Yes
U-91-000 - 1991 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1991 - No
U-91-001 Sidewalk Program 1991 128 Yes
U-91-002 Prince Road/Tucson Boulevard (TS 106) Yes
U-91-003 Pima Street/Rosemont Boulevard (TS 283) Yes
U-92-000 - 1992 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1992 - No
U-92-001 6th Street & 6th Avenue Intersection Improvement Overlay Program 1991 - 1992 Phase I 128 Yes
U-92-002 Riverview Boulevard between Silvercroft Avenue And Chiricahua Avenue -- District Sidewalk Improvement -- Note: Also See AD Series AD-0766 -- COT Job Number 627 153 Yes
U-92-003 Ironwood Hill between Greasewood Road & Silverbell Road, Road Widening & Overlay No
U-92-004 Langley Avenue / Kingston Drive Traffic DiversionNOTE: AD Series AD-0772 128 Yes
U-92-005 Sidewalk Program 1992 - Bus Shelter Improvements, Wheelchair Ramps 139 Yes
U-93-000 - 1993 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1993 - No
U-93-001 - Protested - Not Built - Lester Street: Mountain Avenue And Vine Avenue -- District Sidewalk Improvement -- Note: Protested, Not Built RefOnly No
U-93-002 Euclid Avenue between Grant Road & Speedway Boulevard District Sidewalk Improvement AD Series AD-0798 141 Yes
U-93-003 Mountain Avenue between Rillito River to 2nd Street - Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Landscape NOTE: Reduced paper Copy Only 123 Yes
U-93-004 Arroyo Chico Bike Path from Cherry Avenue to Santa Rita 133 Yes
U-94-000 - 1994 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1994 - No
U-94-001 - Protested - Not Built - Camino Pio Decimo: Edison Street To Pima Street And Grady Avenue: Pima Street To Fremont Street -- District Traffic Improvement -- Note: Protested, Not Built RefOnly No
U-94-002 Miscellaneous Bike Paths 1) Bilby Road - Park Avenue to Tucson Boulevard 2) Tanque Verde Road - Grant to Sabino Canyon 3) 36th Street - La Cholla Boulevard to Mission Road (Johnson - Brittain) 139 Yes
U-94-003 Miscellaneous Bike Paths: Craycroft Road from Bellevue Street to Speedway Boulevard (Johnson - Brittain) No
U-94-004 Miscellaneous Bike Paths: La Cholla Boulevard from Starr Pass Boulevard to Ajo Way -- (JBA. Johnson, Brittain And Associates, Incorperated) 139 Yes
U-94-005 Miscellaneous Bikeway Improvements Santa Cruz River Park Bike Path from Speedway Boulevard to Mission Lane (Johnson - Brittain) 142 Yes
U-94-006 Terra Del Sol (speed humps) District Traffic Improvement NOTE: AD Series AD-0784 133 Yes
U-94-007 Water Street from Campbell Avenue to East of Drainageway NOTE: AD Series AD-0794 139 Yes
U-95-000 - 1995 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1995 - No
U-95-001 Golf Links Road to Escalante Road Bike Path & Landscape 139 Yes
U-95-002 New Park and Ride Lot at Irvington Road and Valley View Road 139 Yes
U-95-003 Miscellaneous Bikeway Improvements on Mountain Avenue from Rillito River Park to Roger Road (Johnson - Brittain) Yes
U-95-004 Golf Links Road - Swan Road to Craycroft Road - Bikeway (Johnson - Brittain) 139 Yes
U-96-000 - 1996 - Class ''U'' - TRAFFIC & PARKING CONTROL: Signals, Flow Maps, Striping, Overlay Programs, Paving on City Property, Bicycle Paths, & Barriers, Sidewalk - 1996 - No
U-96-001 Columbus Boulevard: Broadway Boulevard to 29th Street -- Miscellaneous Bikeway Improvements -- RRR, Resurfacing, Reconstruction, And Rehabilitation -- Roadway Recovery -- 1995 ISTEA 4, Phase A -- COT Job Number 3222 (824E) -- (Johnson - Brittian) 155 Yes
U-96-002 Balboa Park Sidewalk Improvement 153 Yes
U-96-003 Contingency Sidewalk Program 1996-1997. 151 Yes
U-96-003A Construction Program 1997, Catalina Avenue - Speedway Blvd. to 2nd Street Sidewalk Improvement. 151 Yes
U-96-004 Construction Program 1997: Northwest corner of Church Street & Alameda Street. 150 Yes
U-96-005 Pedestrian Crossing Warning Devices -- Euclid Avenue and 7th Street -- Saint Mary's Road And Melrose Avenue -- Speedway Boulevard And Plumer Avenue -- Fort Lowell Road And Fontana Avenue -- COT Job Number 9081 -- No Original Mylars Found -- Paper Copy Only (GLHN Architects And Engineers, Incorporated) 155 Yes