Maps and Records

Construction Plans

Plan # Description Film Roll Scanned
S-663 Offer Number 217 - Request to purchase City-owned Right-of-way in Tucson Controlled Access Highway in Northeast ¼, Southeast ¼, of Section 11, T14S, R13E, formerly owned by Arizona Sash, Door, and Glass Co. (8/60) 57 Yes
S-664 ''Minarik Rezoning'' - Proposed acquirsition of additional Right-of-way for: Widening Wilmot Road a 50 foot street and alleys, in Section 1, T14S, R14E (8/60) 57 Yes
S-665 ''El Rio Country Club Rezoning'' Right of way to be acquired for widening North side of West Speedway from River View Boulevard to El Rio Drive (8/60) 57 Yes
S-666 ''Hberman Rezoning'' (C9-60-46): Proposed widening of Bilby Road from Dunton to Missiondale (8/60) 58 Yes
S-667 Proposed 20 foot alley to be dedicated in Block 11, Swan Park Subdivision (8/60) 60 Yes
S-668 Proposed drainage easement through P-11, Northwest ¼, Section 11 & 14 between 22nd Street & 23rd Street East of Mountain View Avenue (Mayfair Terrace) (8/60) 60 Yes
S-669 Proposed Pima County Animal Shelter Site on City Farm Lands in Southeast ¼, Section 20 & Northeast ¼, Section 29, T13S, R13E (8/60) 60 Yes
S-670 Alley between Block 20, Jefferson Park Addition & Block 47, Monterey Addition to vacated and sold (9/60) 57 Yes
S-671 Proposed opening to Tucker Drive in Block 10, New Deal Acres (9/60) 57 Yes
S-672 Right-of-way to be acquired for Alamo Wash Drainageway in the Southeast ¼ , Northwest ¼, Section 35, T13S, R14E (9/60) (Replaced by S-65-008) 57 Yes
S-673 Portion of proposed Palo Verde Park to be purchased by to City of Tucson (9/60) 57 Yes
S-674 Right-of-way to acquired in Lot 7, Section 13, T14S, R14E, south & east of Anne Rogers School for alley purposes (9/60) 57 Yes
S-675 Proposed portion of City owned lands in Section 17 & 20 T13S, R13E to be licensed to Arizona Highway Department for Borrow Pits (9/60) 57 Yes
S-676 Proposed widening of East 22nd Street in Blocks 166 & 167, City of Tucson (9/60) 57 Yes
S-677 Proposed widening of Allen Road & Campbell Avenue and alley dedications on Southeast ¼, Northeast ¼, Section 30, T13S, R14E, (Rosecrans Rezoning C9-59-127) (9/60) 57 Yes
S-678 Right-of-ways to be acquired for for street widening & alley proposes in Block ''A'' Hedrick Acreage Number 1 & Winterhaven Subdivisions (Richards & others Rez. D9-59-152) NOTE: Also See H-333 (10/60) 57 Yes
S-679 Proposed right-of-way to be acquired for widening alley in Southeast ¼, Northeast ¼, Section 30, T13S, R14E, adjacent to Mountain View Subdivision (10/60) 57 Yes
S-680 Proposed widening of North Main Avenue from Congress to Alameda (Kelly-Alameda Rezoning C9-60-9) (10/60) 57 Yes
S-681 Right-of-way to be acquired in Lot 1, Block 4, Palo Verde (Wilson-Richy Rezoning C9-60-32) (10/60) Northern 10' of this alley (see S-681) between Palo Verde and Calle Ricardo one block south of Grant Rd, came by City purchase recorded in Dkt 1766 Pg 91 (Dkt 1766/91). 57 Yes
S-682 North-South Alley, Block 1, Biltmore Addition (10/60) 57 Yes
S-683 Right-of-way to be acquired for widening Grant Road and for alley puroses in Blocks 62, 63, & 64 in Coronado Heights (Ross-Grant Road Rezoning C9-59-99) (10/60) 57 Yes
S-684 City owned property to be leased be Devry Brick Co. in Section 33, T13S, R13E (10/60) 57 Yes
S-685 Devry Brick Co. property to be used by the City of Tucson for Sanitary Fill, Section 11, T14S, R13E (10/60) 57 Yes
S-686 Map showing right-of-way to be acquired of Arcadia Wash and Seneca Street in Lot 3, Section 2, T14S, R14E, (No. of Cloverleaf) (10/60) 57 Yes
S-687 Proposed dedication of Brichta Drive in Southwest ¼, Section 3, T14S, R13E, along North line of Aldea Vista (11/60) 57 Yes
S-688 Proposed sale of City owned property Lot 5 of Sunnyside Addition (11/60) (Offer Number 227) 57 Yes
S-689 Proposed Right-of-way to be acquired for widening of East 22nd Street in Blocks 10 & 11 of El Campo Estates and for opening an alley in Block 11 of El Campo Estates (11/60) 57 Yes
S-690 Proposed Right-of-way for Arcadia Wash I Block 7, Speedway 2 (11/60) 57 Yes
S-691 Proposed widening of Craycroft Road & opening of alley in Southwest ¼, Southwest ¼, Southwest ¼, Section 12, T14S, R14E (Kerr Rezoning C9-59-114) 57 Yes
S-692 Proposed Right-of-way to be acquired for for widening Craycroft Road from Willard Street to Lee Street (Podmers Rezoning C9-59-57) 57 Yes
S-693 Proposed widening of South Park Avenue from 21st Street to 19th Street in Blocks 16 thru 19 & 25 thru 27 of Bruckners Addition (Powers - Park Avenue Rezoning - C9-60-88) (11/60) 57 Yes
S-694 Proposed widening of South Country Club Road, of drainageway and alleys in NE ¼, SE ¼, Section 32, T14S, R14E (Conway - Rezoning - C9-60-62) 57 Yes
S-695 Block 26, Bronx Park Addition 57 Yes
S-696 Proposed alley to be opened in Block 1 of Goldschmidts Addition (Thomas - Freeway Rezoning C9-60-41) 57 Yes
S-697 City owned property in Sections 2 & 11, T15S, R16E, and Section, 29, T15S, R16S to be licensed to the State of Arizona for borrow ptis (12/60) 60 Yes
S-698 Part of Lot 31, Block 48, Terra Del Sol, to be acquired for park (12/60) 60 Yes
S-699 Proposed drainageway in Lots 4 & 5, Block 1 of KcKee Westside Addition (12/60) 60 Yes
S-069A Land Lease to American Airlines, Inc. for proposed addition to garage 57 Yes
S-700 Right-of-way to be acquired in Lot 5, Block 9 of Garden Homes for realinement of Navajo Street (12/60) 60 Yes
S-701 Alleys to be acquired in North ½, Northwest ¼, Section 22, T14S, R14E, (De Concini-22nd Street Rezoning C9-59-145) (12/60) 57 Yes
S-702 Proposed widening of Valencia Road & opening of alleys on Lots 3 to 6, in Elstone Subdivision (Trexler-Valencia Rezoning C9-60-90) (12/60) 57 Yes
S-703 Proposed opening of Columbus Boulevard & alleys in North ½, Section 22, T14S, R14E (Bromley-Columbus Rezoning C9-60-78) (12/60) 57 Yes
S-704 Existing and proposed Right-of-way at the intersection of Prince Road & Romero Road, Section 22 and 27, T13S, R13E (12/60) 57 Yes
S-705 Proposed enlargement holding pont at City Sewage Disposal Plant Northeast ¼, Section 20, T13S, R13E 57 Yes
S-706 Proposed drainageway & street widening in Lot 25 of Elstone Subdivision 57 Yes
S-707 - Missing - or - Void - Missing No
S-708 Proposed Right-of-way to be acquired in Northwest ¼, Southwest ¼, Southwest ¼, Section 34, T13S, R14S, Caydesta Homes - Alvernon Rezoning (C9-60-114) (1/61) NOTE: See H-317 57 Yes
S-709 Proposed Right-of-way to be acquired in Block 1 of Capmbell Avenue Acres (Sanford-Hedrick Drive Rezoning C9-60-30) (1/61) 57 Yes
S-710 Assessments 385 & 384 Corner of Osborn & 18th Street (1/61) 57 Yes
S-711 Right-of-ways to be acquired in Southwest ¼, Northwest ¼, Section 2 T14S, R14E, & in Speedway Addition Number 2 for alleys & widening Pima Street & Swan Road (Rubin-Pima Street Rezoning C9-60-29) (1/61) 57 Yes