S-487A |
A portion of City land in Section 2, T14S, R13E, North of Speedway, between Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way & Tucson Controlled Access Highway |
57 |
Yes |
S-387A |
Perpetual easement through City Land to Arizona Highway Department at Nogales Highway & Irvington Road |
57 |
Yes |
S-487B |
A portion of City land in Section 2, T14S, R13E, North of Speedway, between Southern Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way & Tucson Controlled Access Highway |
57 |
Yes |
S-589A |
Offer Number 166 - Request to vacate part of Messilla Street West of Main Avenue (8/59) |
57 |
Yes |
S-289A |
Elevation of Blocks 10 & 15, Plumer & Stewarts Number 2 |
57 |
Yes |
S-795A |
Proposed widening of Roger Road & 4th Avenue plus opening of alley in Lot 24 of Amphitheater Acres (Nichols-Roger Road Rezoning (C9-60-154) (5/61) |
Yes |
S-62-000 |
- 1962 - Class ''S'' LEGAL SIZE DRAWINGS: Includes all classes except architectural |
- 1962 - |
No |
S-62-001 |
Portion of 9th Avenue to be vacated North of 42nd Street and acquisition of right-of-way for Tucson Diversion Channel |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-002 |
Proposed widening of North 1st Avenue through South ½, South ½, Lot 3, Section 30, T13S, R14E |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-003 |
Proposed widening of alley through Block 4 of Mountain View Acre Farms Subdivision (Salit-Bellevue Rezoning C9-61-90) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-003A |
Proposed Right-of-Way changes through Block 4 of Mountain View Acre Farms Subdivision, Helen Street (M&P A/22) (Salit-Bellevue Street Rezoning C9.61.90) |
Yes |
S-62-004 |
Proposed widening of Flower Street from Dodge Boulevard to Winstel Boulevard (2/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-005 |
Proposed widening and extension of Blueberry Lane through the Northeast ¼, Northwest ¼, Section 10, T14S, R13E, G. & S.R.B. & M. (10/61) |
60 |
Yes |
S-62-006 |
Proposed 30 foot wide sewer easement to be acquired in Northwest ¼, Northwest ¼, Section 10, T14S, R13E, (1/62) |
58 |
Yes |
S-62-007 |
Lot 1, Block 62, National City Number 4, (2/62) |
60 |
Yes |
S-62-008 |
Right-of-way study of Edison Street through Lot 25 of Towner Addition (2/62) |
60 |
Yes |
S-62-009 |
Sale of Lot 11 -- Block 62 -- University Heights -- Offer Number 264 (2/62) -- Between 13th Street and Manlove Street and Highland Avenue and Vine Avenue -- |
60 |
Yes |
S-62-010 |
Proposed alley and utility easement changes in re-sudivision of Mountain View Acre Farms (OFFER Number 164) (2/62) |
60 |
Yes |
S-62-011 |
Proposed drainage easement through Lots 18 & 19, Block 10, Winterhaven |
58 |
Yes |
S-62-012 |
Proposed widening of Alvernon Way - Portion of unrecorded lease for Naval Reserve Armory to be deleted in Southeast ¼, Southeast ¼, Section 16, T14S, R14E, (2/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-013 |
Request to purchase Lots 3 through 7, Block 1, Randolph Addition (OFFER Number 265) (3/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-014 |
Proposed widening of Wilmot Road and opening of alleys in Blocks 1 & 4 of Catalina Heights Annexation Subdivision (Bishop-Belevue Street Rezoning C9-61-132) (3/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-015 |
Proposed widening of Rosemont Avenue from Grant Road to Seneca Street (3/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-016 |
Proposed opening of La Cholla Boulevard North of West Speedway through City owned parcel near Elk's Hospital (3/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-017 |
Proposed opening of alley in Lot 6, Block 5 of Craycroft Addition (3/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-018 |
Proposed vacation of 15 foot utility easement in Lots 30 & 31 of Enchanted Hills Subdivision (OFFER Number 266) (3/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-019 |
Proposed sewer easement through Lots 10 to 18 of Seneca Park Addition Number 2 (3/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-020 |
Proposed alley in Block 5 of Mountaion View Acre Farms (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-021 |
Sketch of easements in Lot 1, Block 4 of New Deal Acres Subdivision (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-022 |
Sketch showing Lot 9 in Block 36 of Buells Addition and Lot 1 in Block 6 of Riecher's Addition (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-022A |
Sketch showing Lot 9 in Block 36 of Buells Addition and Lot 1 in Block 6 of Riecher's Addition (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-022B |
Sketch showing Lot 9 in Block 36 of Buells Addition and Lot 1 in Block 6 of Riecher's Addition (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-023 |
Proposed vacation of 15 foot utility easement in Lots 89 & 90 of Verde Park Subdivision (OFFER Number 270) (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-024 |
Proposed opening of Pomona Road southerly of Roger Road in Northwest ¼, Northeast ¼, Section 27, T13S, R13E, (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-025 |
Right-of-way study of El Campo Estates Addition at intersection of 22nd Street and Country Club Road (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-026 |
Proposed right-of-way acquistion at Northeast corner Lot 8, Block 10, El Campo Estates (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-027 |
Proposed drainageway through Lots 20 of Loretta Heights (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-028 |
Proposed widening of Duncan Street from Swan Road to Bell Avenue in Northeast ¼, Northeast ¼, Section 3, T14S, R14E, (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-029 |
Proposed drainageway in Block 8 of Coronado Heights Subdivision (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-030 |
Proposed drainageway in Block 32 of Coronado Heights Subdivision (4/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-031 |
City owned parcel in Southeast ¼, Northeast ¼, Section 23, T14S, R14E, (OFFER Number 275) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-032 |
Sketch showing City owned property in Block 10 of Altacena Heights Addition and proposed widening of 22nd Street and Cherry Avenue (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-032A |
Sketch showing City owned property in Block 10 of Altacena Heights Addition and proposed widening of 22nd Street and Cherry Avenue (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-033 |
Proposed vacation & realignment of alley in Block 4 of Bel Air Annation Number 2 Subdivision (OFFER Number 267) (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-034 |
Proposed easement through Block 6 of Coloinal Estates Subdivision (Kramer-Broadway Rezoning C9-060-166) (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-035 |
Proposed vacation of Zuni Avenue from 29th Street to 30th Street (OFFER Number 276) (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-036 |
Proposed widening of Dodge Boulevard in Lot 2, Block 1 of Farmington Addition (Powers-Dodge Boulevard Rezoning C9-61-166) (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-037 |
Proposed widening of East Speedway in Lot 1, Block 6 of Mitman Addition (Kalmanoff-Speedway Rezoning C9-61-76) (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-038 |
Map showing location of Harbour Meat Co. H.C.S. - on Grant Road (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-039 |
Proposed partial vacation of 15 foot wide utility easements in Fiesta Park (OFFER Number 277) |
57 |
Yes |