S-62-040 |
Proposed partial vacation of 15 foot wide utility easements in Fiesta Park (OFFER Number 277) (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-041 |
Right-of-way study of Intersection of 5th Street and Belvedere Boulevard (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-042 |
Proposed widening of Alvernon Way and Glenn Street in Block 8 of Lincoln Park Subdivision (Tom-Alvernon Way Rezoning C9061-174) (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-043 |
Proposed partial vacation of alley in Block 2 of Barnes Subdivision (Offer Number 278) -- Helen Street and Campbell Avenue |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-044 |
Right-of-way study of intersection of Winstel Boulevard and Presidio Road (5/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-045 |
Proposed sewer easement in Lot 8E of Pastime Acres Re-subdivision (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-046 |
Proposed widening of Country Club Road and Pima Street in Block 25 of Belenman Annexation (Wilson-Pima Street Rezoning C9-61-58) (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-047 |
Sketch of original parcel conveyed to Don R. Williams st ux and dedication of Kingsgate Street and Kingsgate Ct. in Northwest ¼, Northwest ¼, Section 35, T13S, R13E, (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-048 |
Proposed widening of Campbell Avenue at intersection with 1st Street (Southern Arizona Bank-Campbell Avenue Rezoning C9-61-175) (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-049 |
Proposed 30 foot sewer easement in the Northwest ¼, Northwest ¼, Section 10, T14S, R13E (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-050 |
Sketch showing: Parcel at northwest corner of Tucson Boulevard & Corona Road; proposed widening of Tucson Boulevard and Tucson Muncipal Airport Boundary (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-051 |
Proposed widening of Pima Street between Swan Road and Venice Boulevard (Jarrett-Pima Street Rezoning C9-62-4) (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-052 |
Proposed widening of North Swan Road in Block 16 of Speedway Addition (Jarrett-Pima Street Rezoning C9-62-52) (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-053 |
Proposed dedication of Fairmont Place, in Block 9 of Avondale Subdivision (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-054 |
Proposed widening of Grant Road and alley opening in Block 3 of Fruitvale Addition (Gyton-Grant Road Rezoning C9-61-99) (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-055 |
Detail of proposed alley in Lots of Block 2 of Fruitvale Addition (Gyton-Grant Road Rezoning C9-61-99) (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-056 |
Proposed widening of Grant Road in Block 1 of Fruitvale Addition (Gyton-Grant Road Rezoning C9-61-99) (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-057 |
Map showing location of Alamo Wash through Hunter Property (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-058 |
Offer to purchase City owned Lots 9 & 10 in Block 161 of the City of Tucson (OFFER Number 280) (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-059 |
Proposed widening of Alvernon Way & alley opening between Seneca Street and Louis Lane (Johnson-Alvernon Way Rezoning C9-62-28) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-060 |
Proposed widening of Swan Road in Block 2 & 3 of Swan Way Addition (Kaplin-Swan Road Rezoning C9-62-33) (6/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-061 |
Proposed widening of Speedway at the intersection of 7th Avenue (Ganem-Speedway Rezoning C9-62-10) (6/62)
Missing |
No |
S-62-062 |
Alleys requested to be vacated in Leonora Annexation and Clara Vista Subdivision (OFFER Number 273) (7/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-063 |
Request to vacate 20 foot North-South alley in Block 35, Fairmout Addition (OFFER Number 282) (7/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-064 |
Request to vacate quadrante of San Clemente Subdivision (OFFER Number 285) (7/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-065 |
Proposed vacating & widening of Venice Avenue between Speedway and 2nd Street in Old Pueblo Heights & Northeast ¼, Northeast ¼, Section 10, T14S, R14E (7/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-066 |
Proposed widening of Palo Verde Boulevard South of Valencia Avenue (Long-Palo Verde Rezoning C9-62-66) (7/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-067 |
Request to purchase Lot 11, Block 61, University Heights (OFFER Number 288) (8/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-068 |
Proposed widening of Craycroft Road and Speedway Boulevard through Lot 1, in Block 5, of Mitman Addition (Burcham-Craycroft Rezoning C9-61-159) (8/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-069 |
Proposed opening and widening of Tearney Drive in Lot 3, of Block 4, of Palo Verde Addition (8/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-070 |
Proposed widening of Golf Links Road in Block 11, of Country Club Park Addition (DePugh-Golf Links Rezoning C9-62-55) (8/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-071 |
Proposed widening of West Speedway Boulevard between Southern Pacific Railroad and Anita Avenue (Elliott-Speedway Rezoning C9-62-6) (8/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-072 |
Proposed widening of Stone Avenue, Southerly of King Road (Pima County Teacher's Credit Union-Stone Avenue Rezoning C9-62-64) (8/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-073 |
Proposed widening of Pima Street in Block 16 of Mountain View Acre Farms Subdivision (Baldwin-Pima Street Rezoning C9-62-45) (8/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-074 |
Proposed drainageway & roadway widening (South of Aldea Vista, West of Silverbell) Section 3, T14S, R13E (8/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-075 |
Proposed widening of Columbus Boulevard, Pima Street, and Catalina Boulevard (National Homes Rezoning C9-62-124) (8/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-076 |
Right-of-way to be acquired for a 70 foot wide drainageway through Government Owned Parcel in North ½, Southwest ¼, Section 27, T13S, R13E (10/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-077 |
Proposed widening of Grant Road, Swan Road, Edison Street, and Mountain View Boulevard in Northwest ¼, Northwest ¼, Ses. s., T14S, R14E (DEConcini-Grant Road Rezoning C9-62-131) (10/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-078 |
Proposed widening of Monte Vista Drive & alley, also widening Glenn Street all in Southwest ¼, Northwest ¼, Section 34, T13S, R14E (Rosecrans-Columbus Boulevard Rezoning C9-62-70) (10/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-079 |
Proposed utility easement to be abandoned in Lot 45, Tucson Industrial Park (OFFER Number 291) (10/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-080 |
Proposed widening of Speedway & vacating of alley in Lot 4, Block 1 Speedway Place (OFFER Number 293) (11/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-081 |
Proposed vacation of utility easement in Lots 24, & 25, of Mountaion View Acres Farms (OFFER Number 295) (11/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-082 |
Proposed change of R-2 zoning on Lots 9 through 13, Block 64, University Heights to B-2 zoning |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-083 |
Proposed widening of Craycroft Road & Sidney Avenue in Southeast ¼, Northeast ¼, Section 35, T13S, R13E (Baptist Church Rezoning C9-62-92) (11/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-084 |
Parcel of Land Section 27 & 28, T14S, R13E, United States Land for Park purposes & Border Patrol |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-085 |
- Void - Exfiltration Test for Sewer Main (11/62) (FR57/FA) - Void - |
- Void - |
Yes |
S-62-086 |
Right-of-way study of Douglas Street from Craycroft Road to Beverly Boulevard in Southeast ¼, Southeast ¼, Section 14, T14S, R14E (Two (2) Sheets) (11/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-087 |
Proposed alleys and right-of-way acquisitions in Blocks 1 & 2 of Perrie Addition (Durand-2nd Street Rezoning C9-61-69) (12/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-088 |
Proposed widening of Wilmot Road, plus opening of alleys & drainage easements, in Blocks 4 & 5 of Catalina Heights Annexation (12/62) |
57 |
Yes |
S-62-089 |
Proposed alley opening in Lot 36 of Leonora Addition (right-of-way 212) (12/62) |
57 |
Yes |