S-75-003 |
Santa Rita Avenue Demolition - Drachman Street to Adams Street |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-004 |
29 inches by 8 inches CMPA in 100 Block of South - |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-005 |
24 inch CMP - Southern Pacific Railroad Yard (South of Aviation Highway) |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-006 |
Wrighstown School Footbridge Location |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-007 |
Anklam Road, West of Greasewood Road, Pima County Highway Department Right-of-way |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-008 |
Romero Road Right-of-way Acquisition @ Prince Road |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-009 |
Property Annexation of South ½, North ½, of Section 36, T13S, R13E |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-010 |
Proposed Annexation of a Portion of Southwest ¼, of Section 24, T13S, R13E |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-011A |
Proposed Right-of-way to be acquired at Southeast Corner of Campbell & Elm |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-011B |
Proposed Right-of-way to be acquired at Southeast Corner of Campbell & Elm |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-012 |
Proposed Extension of Old Ranch Road and opening of Alley South of Golden Hills Road |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-013 |
Alley Connection, at SW Corner of North Campbell Estates -- Copper Street East of Campbell Avenue Established with Road Proceedings Number 0351 |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-014 |
22nd Street & Euclid Avenue Curb Return |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-015 |
Proposed Annexation of Portions of Section 22, 26, & 27 in T14S, R15E |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-016 |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-017 |
HUD Improvement Construction Sign |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-018 |
Proposed Underground Storm drain easement thru Flowing Wells School |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-019 |
Standart Right-of-way Knuckle Design for 50 foot street |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-020 |
Swan Road (Penning Property) 8 inch X 10 inch Reduction (for Deppe) |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-021 |
Requested Vacation of 10 feet U.E. in Lots 3 and 8 of Block 1 of ''Mountain View Acres Farms'' |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-022 |
RIP RAP Addition, Lackside Dam |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-023 |
Chinworth Parcel in Northwest ¼, Section 23, & Southwest ¼, Section 14, all in T14S, R13E |
68 |
Yes |
S-75-024 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
S-75-025 |
Propose Opening of 22nd Street, Interstate-10 to Mission Road |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-000 |
- 1976 - Class ''S'' LEGAL SIZE DRAWINGS: Includes all classes except architectural |
- 1976 - |
No |
S-76-001 |
Prince Road, From Oracle Road to Tyndall Avenue |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-002 |
Proposed Annexation Of Portions Of Section 2, 10, 11, and 15, T14S, R15E |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-003 |
Calle Arturo Right-of-way to be acquired from Fickett Junior High School |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-004 |
El Camino Del Cerro - Proposed widening between Interstate-10 and Silverbell Road |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-005 |
Excess Right of way vacated -- Block 3 of Bingham Addition -- West of Campbell Avenue between 8th Street and 9th Street |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-006 |
Prince Road Right-of-way Dedicated by Amphi School District |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-007 |
Proposed Expansion of El Rio Park in Lots 174-177 of Silvercroft Addition -- NOTE: M/P 13/57 |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-008 |
Proposed Annexation of ''The Groves/Essex Gardens East'' |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-009 |
Sketch showing conditions West of ''Flowing Wells Terrace'' |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-010 |
Repairs to Pump House - Broadway - Southern Pacific Railroad Pump House |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-011 |
Repairs to Antenna Mast @ 1000 South Randolph Way (T.A.S.) |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-012 |
OVERLAY PROGRAM 1976 - 1977 |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-013 |
Speedway - Pantano Wash landfill in Section 5 T14S, R15E |
68 |
Yes |
S-76-014 |
Lots 10 & 11 in Block 30 of El Rio Park |
68 |
Yes |
S-77-000 |
- 1977 - Class ''S'' LEGAL SIZE DRAWINGS: Includes all classes except architectural |
- 1977 - |
No |
S-77-001 |
Grant Road Paving Improvement from Silverbell to Interstate-10 (Council Map) |
68 |
Yes |
S-77-002 |
Pedestrian Overpass @ Broadway Boulevard & Niven Avenue (T. Sacra) |
68 |
Yes |
S-77-003 |
Proposed Annexation Of Portions Of Sections 20, 21, 28, & 29, T13S, R15E |
68 |
Yes |
S-77-004 |
Alvernon Way Paving Improvement from 22nd Street to 33rd Street (Council Map) |
68 |
Yes |
S-77-005 |
Proposed Annexation Of Portions Of Section 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 34, & 35, T14S, R15E |
68 |
Yes |
S-77-006 |
22nd Street: Prudence Rd. to Pantano Rd. -- Right Of Way Acquisition |
68 |
Yes |
S-77-007 |
Land Trade Between the State & City - Section 30 T14S, R15E, & Land bordering Interstate-19, from Irvington to Valencia |
68 |
Yes |
S-77-007A |
Land Trade Between the State & City - Section 33 T14S, R15E, Land bordering Irvington Road, North on Pantano Road to Escalante Road then West to Camino Seco then back South to Irvington Road |
Yes |
S-77-008 |
Map of Northwest Park as part of Comm. With Tucson Gas & Electric |
68 |
Yes |
S-77-009 |
Property Annexation of part of Southeast ¼, Section 36, T13S, R13E |
68 |
Yes |