Maps and Records

Construction Plans

Plan # Description Film Roll Scanned
L-86-001 No
I-2015-010 No
I-2015-011 No
H-2013-009 No
H-2013-016 Yes
I-75-038 - Missing - Proposed Median Opening for Ingress & Egress for COUNTRY CLUB PLAZA (Wilsey & Ham) - Missing - 12/19/01 - Missing - No
I-86-075 - Void - Silverbell Road Pavement Widening (Temp) San Jose Avenue to Saint Mary's Road NOTE: ''NOT BUILT'' Improvement was later done under I-85-039 - No paper Copies - Void - No
I-87-042 - Void - Hacienda Del Oro, Paving and Drainage Plans Phase III NOTES: Cards Only, See Plan I-96-018, I-96-024, & I-96-052 131 No
I-88-023 - Void - Rancho Antiqua (Phase III) Lots 1 thru 12, 54 thru 67, 89 thru 123, 128 thru 147, 151 thru 159, 321 thru 344 Street and Sewer Improvements Plans - Void - NOTES: See I-94-028, I-94-014, I-93-016 - Void - No
L-97-002 ''Construction Program 1997: ''A'' Mountain Revegetation at Sentinal Peak Rd & Silverbell Ave. Plans Also Part of Program Are: I-96-002, U-96-003A, U-96-004. 150 Yes
S-77-006 22nd Street: Prudence Rd. to Pantano Rd. -- Right Of Way Acquisition 68 Yes
D-82-008 Alamo Wash Conceptual Improvement Plan (Grant to Rillito) Buchanan, Collins & Johnson 78 Yes
I-65-065 Arizona State Highway - Tucson-Benson Highway from Campbell Avenue to Interstate-10 (I-10) Interchange I-10-5(30) (NOTE: CARDS ONLY) 46 Yes
I-97-059 Block ''A'' at Hacienda Del Oro - Public Street and Sewer Plans (Environmental Engineering) Yes
I-80-023 CALLE SANTA CRUZ NORTH of DREXEL -- Paving Project 74 Yes
I-73-046 CASITAS SERRANO, -- Paving & Sewer Improvement (Gene Anderson) 68 Yes
D-72-012 DRAINAGE PIPE E. SPEEDWAY and PANTANO (Humble Oil Co.) Grant, Hunt & McLain Engrs. 92 Yes
I-69-026 Drexel Terrace Number 2, Paving and Sewer Improvement 57 Yes
L-73-006 EL RIO NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER 1390 W. Speedway Blvd.: Shuffleboard Courts and Horseshoes Pits Yes
I-71-065 Fairmount Avenue and Beverly Street -- Paving and Sewer Improvement (E. Lewis) NOTE: AD Series AD-0526 53 Yes
I-97-030 Fairway Groves - Lots 288 thru 340, Phase 5, Paving and Sanitary Sewer (CBA & Associates) 138 Yes
I-80-001 GOLF LINKS EAST CONDO ALLEY IMPROVEMENT (Collins & Associates) 73 Yes
T-134 Grading Plan for WESTMORELAND AVENUE, North to Emery Street 4 Yes
D-2019-001 Grant Road - East of I-10 - Grate Modifications [Storm Drains] (COT Plans) (Record Document) NOTE: Original plans 11" x 17" size. NOTE: Not Filmed. Yes
D-76-007 Grant Road Box Culvert at Sunny Drive 67 Yes
I-71-063 Hermosa Highlands number 2, Lots 1 thru 69 -- Paving and Sewer Improvement 51 Yes
F-81-003 HONCHO ESTATES - District Lighting and Sidewalk Improvement NOTE: AD Series AD-0611 78 Yes
I-2006-078 Houghton Widening Concept Plans. This constitutes two different concept plans: I-2006-078 & the miss-assigned plan number I-2007-001. I-2006-078 are final design concept plans for Houghton Road - Valencia Road to I-10, Roadway Widening - with 5 segments (Castro Engineering). NOTE: Original paper plans were 11" x 17" - DO NOT SCALE. NOTE: NOT BUILT -- 30% concept plans -- FOR REFERENCE ONLY. I-2007-001 are concept plan for Houghton Road, 22nd Street to ValenciaRoad - Roadway and Drainage Improvements (PSOMAS) - COT Job SR1B - Electronic copy only and sized to 11" x 17" - DO NOT SCALE. NOTE: NOT BUILT -- 30% concept plans -- FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Yes
I-71-066 Median Modifications, Wilmot Road North of Broadway 50 Yes
I-71-064 Mi Terra -- Paving and Sewer Improvement (E. Lewis) 53 Yes
S-2000-001 Miscellaneous Drainage Spot Improvements Phase F No
I-79-037 MISSION OAKS Lots 1-90 Street and Sewer Improvement and Drainageway Design 73 Yes
I-83-048 MISSIONDALE ROAD Street Improvements (CBA & Associates) 89 Yes
S-69-011 Oury Park Swimming Pool drain to sewer 57 Yes
I-82-028 PANTANO VISTA IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PAVING NOTE: Actually completed and ''As Built'' in 1966 - Assessment Diagram on file with Tracing 77 Yes
I-82-024 PANTNO TOWNHOMES I -- Grading & Paving Plan (C.B. & A,) 77 Yes
G-79-020 PENNBROOKE TOWNHOUSES Lots 1 thru 14 (Private Streets) (Urban Engineering) NOTE: Original Plans at Pima County Waste Water Management MF No
S-76-006 Prince Road Right-of-way Dedicated by Amphi School District 68 Yes
S-89-072 Right-of-way to be acquired for Pima Street from Craycroft Road to Wilmot Road 118 Yes
S-591 Right-of-Way to be aquired for widening Treat Avenue between Presidio Road & Fort Lowell Road (8/59) 57 Yes
I-82-025 SABINO CANYON ROAD & Crestline Dr. - South of Tanque Verde - Paving Plans (CBA, Cella, Barr, & Associates) 77 Yes
G-78-005 SAINT MARY'S ROAD TRUNK SEWER, SILVERBELL to Columbus (W&S) NOTE: Original Plans at Pima County Waste Water Management MF No
D-77-014 SANTA CRUZ RIVER FLOOD DAMAGE Repairs F.A.S. Bridges Oct. 1977 Flood (Speedway, Grant, Valencia) 86 Yes
E-73-002 Santa Cruz River Flow Line, Valencia Road to Grant Road Yes
D-71-001 SILVERCROFT WASH BOX CULVERT at Grant Road 50 Yes
I-78-025 SIMMONS ROAD, Paving Project NOTE: As Built 06/29/79 71 Yes
F-029 SOUTH 6TH AVENUE Lighting Improvement, 12 th. Street South to City Limits, 5th. Street, etc. 3 Yes
G-66-002 SOUTH MANOR SUBDIVISION District Sewer & Drainage Improvement NOTE: AD Series AD-0509, Original Plans at Pima County Waste Water Management MF No

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