Maps and Records

H-Drawing H-2014-019

H # H-2014-019
Scanned Yes
Township 14S
Range 13E
Section 35
H #TownshipRangeSection
H-2014-019 14S 13E 25
H-2014-019 14S 13E 26
H-2014-019 14S 13E 36
H-2014-019 14S 14E 29
H-2014-019 14S 14E 30
H-2014-019 14S 14E 31
H-2014-019 14S 14E 32

Ajo Way, from 16th Avenue to Bernard Drive AND from Kino Connection Ramp to Country Club Road, Monument Perpetuation. Located in Sections 25, 26, 35, 36 T14S, R13E & Sections 29, 30, 31, 32 T14S, R14E (Psomas)

Sequence No
Film Roll
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