Maps and Records

H-Drawing H-2010-007

H # H-2010-007
Scanned Yes
Township 15S
Range 14E
Section 25
H #TownshipRangeSection
H-2010-007 15S 14E 24
H-2010-007 15S 14E 26
H-2010-007 15S 15E 19
H-2010-007 15S 15E 30
H-2010-007 15S 15E 31
H-2010-007 16S 14E 01
H-2010-007 16S 15E 06

Post construction monument survey of Wilmot Road, from I-10 to approximately 3.2 miles south. Located in T15S, R14E, Sections 24, 25 and 36; T15S, R15E, Sections 19, 30 and 31; T15S, R16E, Section 6; and T16S, R14E, Section 1, Gila and Salt River Meridian, Pima County, Arizona, Rick Eng.

Sequence No
Film Roll
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