Maps and Records


H # Description Township Range Section
H-349 Prop. Widening of Fort Lowell Road & Country Club Road (Cambridge Iv. Co. - Fort Lowell Road Rez. C9-60-183)
H-350 Prelim.R/W Study of SWAN ROAD from Grant Road to 22nd Street
H-351 Prelim R/W Study of 22ND Street from Kolb to Craycroft
H-352 Prelim. R/W Study of Wilmot Road from Golf Links Road to Tanque Verde Road.
H-353 Topography West alley Flowing Wells Park
H-354 Prelim. R/W study of Grant Road Alvernon Way to Wilmot Road
H-355 Right Of Way Study of Halcyon Lane, in SE¼ SW¼ Section 30, T13S, R14E
H-356 Prop. Widening of Silverbell Road in vicinity of Anklam Road also prop Deeding of Cuesta Avenue ext. N. of Fresno Street to Mandelbaum (Mandelbaum-Silverbell Rez. C9-60-143)
H-357 Prop. Widening of Wilmot Road thru NW¼ SW¼ Sec 7, T14S, R15E
H-358 R/W study of Grabill Drive easterly of N. 1st Avenue in NW¼ SE¼ Sec 30, T13S, R14E
H-359 R/W study of Haskell Drive from Glenn to Flower, NE ¼ SE ¼ Sec 33, T13S, R14E
H-360 Block 231, City of Tucson showing past & present lot lines
H-001 1880 A.W. Patiani, Old City Map ( W.S. Sur. Gen. Office, One in picture frame RS, and one in RS opaque Linen. New Number 1, also named HS-1880
H-009 - Void -
H-031 ALAMEDA & NEW ST. EXT. & WIDENING MAIN ST. & PENNINGTON ST.,various maps of the surveys made of blocks as affected by same, with SEVERAL MAPS OF SURVEYS of streets. New Street thru Juana Pacheco Tract. Blocks.189, 186, 183, & 188 mainly affected. A survey along Alameda Street from Main Street to River bank, with bearings & distances.
H-352A Wilmot Road geometrics, Golf Links to Broadway Boulevard
H-132 Intersection at 6TH AVENUE and TOOLE AVENUE T14S R13E 12
H-214 EXTENSION of S. 10TH AVENUE From 22nd to 26th Streets (sheet 1) - Realignment & Connection of Main Av to 10 Av at 18th St (Sheet 2)
H-361 North Campbell Avenue Ownership Glenn Street To River Road -- August 1957 -- Found in General File Number 463
H-62-000 - 1962 - Class ''H'' - SURVEYS, MONUMENT MAPS: Current Lot, Block and Boundary Surveys, City of Tucson Record of Surveys
H-62-001 Property paving & curbs for Tarleton Terrace, located in SE corner Flower And Winstell Boulevard
H-62-002 Property future establishment of W. 22nd Street from Farmington Road to La Cholla Boulevard
H-62-003 Property widening of Prince Road & opening of alleys in NE¼ Section 30, T13S, R14E (Auslander=Prince Rez. Number 9-61-75)
H-62-004 Property widening of Catalina Boulevard from Pima Street to Seneca Street in Block 4 of Sierra Vista Subdivision
H-62-005 E-W alley from Lenora Avenue to Chantilly Drive between 8th & Burns
H-62-006 Intersection Wilmot Road and Speedway showing R/W conditions
H-62-007 Property widening of Main Avenue, from Franklin Street to 6th Street also opening alley thru Block 5, Goldschmidts Addition (Brown-Mian Rez. C9-61-127)
H-62-008 - Void -
H-62-009 R/W study of 12th Avenue, Bilby Road to Valencia Road
H-62-010 Property widening of Prince Road from Flowing Wells Rd to Romero Road
H-62-011 Property Access Road to Farmington Road, from Frontage Road of Tucson Contr. Access Highway & part of Farmington Road Also see S-856. Also to be vacated in Section 14, T14S, R13E
H-62-012 Property Street & Drainage R/W in vicinity of Tucson Medical Center in S½, Section 35, T13S, R14E, & Lots 1 & 2 Section 2, T14S, R14E
H-62-013 Property Widening of S. 4th Avenue, from 22nd Street to 19th Street (Hop-South 4th Avenue, Rez. C9-61-146(5-62)
H-62-014 Property R/W Dedications & Vacations in Collene Subdivision
H-62-015 R/W study of Campbell Avenue, from Glenn to Roger Road
H-62-016 R/W study of Lundy Avenue, Lerdo Road to Aragon Road in W½, NW ¼, Section 13, T15S, R13E
H-62-017 R/W study of Property Se corner of Valencia Road & 12th Avenue in NW ¼, NW ¼, Section 13, T15S, R13E
H-62-018A Property R/W Acquisitions for future development of Tucson Boulevard from Valencia to Corona Road (Prelim.)
H-62-019 R/W Acquisition Map for Development of Tucson Boulevard, Airport Access Highway From Valencia to Corona Road (Final)
H-62-020 R/W Study of Alvernon Way, Broadway to Speedway -- See The New R/W Studies - not filmed
H-63-000 - 1963 - Class ''H'' - SURVEYS, MONUMENT MAPS: Current Lot, Block and Boundary Surveys, City of Tucson Record of Surveys
H-63-001 R/W Study of E. Pima Street & Adjacent area from Craycroft Road To Woodland Boulevard (Roberts-Pima Street Rez.)
H-63-002 Study of Bray Road in BLOCK 1, Lots 1 & 2, Palo Verde Addition
H-63-003 Map showing R/W to be acquired for Butterfield Penetration Route & for 22nd Street Overpass, in SW¼ SW¼ Section 17, 14S, R14E -- Intersects with Campbell Avenue and Norris Avenue.
H-63-004 City-County Planning Department -- Main Avenue Drachman Street, Oracle Road to Congress Street
H-63-005 North Campbell East Monument Map
H-63-006 R/W to be acquired for alleys & drainage easements in Blocks 1,2 & 3 of Craycroft Addition (Pearl-24th Street Rez. C9-63-193 & Rees-23rd Street Rez. C9-63-24)
H-63-007 Olsens Addition Monument
H-63-008 Sketch of Property R/W changes in Alvernon Park
H-63-009 Property Widening of Silverbell Road & Speedway, opening of streets & alleys all in N½ N½ Section 10, T14S, R13E