Maps and Records


H # Description Township Range Section
H-253 Monument map of AMERICAN VILLA, S. of Broadway and Parkway Vista (See H-264)
H-254 Monument map of BROADMOOR SUB. & BROADWAY VILLAGE (See H-264)
H-255 R/W map of SPEEDWAY from Main to Freeway, R/W to be acquired for grade seperation.
H-256 Proposed alley thru EPSTIENS PROPERTY, Sec. 8 T14S, R14E
H-257 BLOCK 94, City of Tucson (shows dimensions & angles around block)
H-258 Map showing R/W of SPEEDWAY, from Main to Tucson Boulevard
H-259 EASEMENT bet TREAT & STEWART So. of 10th Street
H-260 Investigation of CHERRY AVENUE, Speedway to Broadway for R/W Widening.
H-261 Investigation of MAIN AVENUE bet FRANKLIN & ALAMEDA ST. FOR PROPOSED WIDENING of Main Avenue R/W to 80'- includes - Existing pavement width of Main Avenue - Accepted Foreman line of Blocks. 177 & 183 - Dimensions of parcels in Paseo Redondo, Block. 185, & Goldschmidts Addition. to width R/W to 80'. 4. SM traverse around Blocks 177 & 183 5. Topography of existing occupations in Blocks 177 & 183
H-262 Proposed intersection of NORRIS AVENUE & EASTLAND ST.
H-263 R/W STUDY OF NO. 1ST AVENUE Elm to Glenn.
H-264 SEC. 17, T14S, R14E. Monument Map-Broadmoor Subd., American Villa Subd., Parkway Vista Subd., Country Club Manor Sub., Loralyn Sub., Country Club Annex, and all unsubdivided areas within.
H-266 Sidewalk TOPOGRAPHY of E. Side STONE AVENUE, Pennington to Congress.
H-267 - Void -
H-268 INVESTIGATION of area from CHERRY to Santa Rita
H-269 Plan of GORUSCH, rezoning & widening of ALVERNON WAY, opening of certain alleys between Pima & Lee
H-271 City owned property, Sec. 26, T14S, R13E, showing SUNDT LEASE (Ryland Farms)
H-272 Proposed R/W project E. BROADWAY, Alvernon to Columbus
H-273 Map of SW ¼ SEC. 17, T14S, R14E, prepared by Blanton & Cole & corrected by City Engineers Office.
H-274 - Void -
H-275 RYLAND FARM Plot Plan
H-276 STREET LAYOUT, MAIN AVENUE, to Church Avenue, Pennington (See H-320)
H-277 Proposed WIDENING OF SPEEDWAY from Main to Stone Avenue
H-278 Proposed ROAD TO RADIO TOWER SITE, N. end of Campbell Avenue
H-279 DESIGN STUDY for the Proposed OVERPASS at 22nd & SPRR.
H-280 Suggested ALIGNMENTS & Traffic interchanges - Proposed INTERSTATE PENETRATION ROUTE (PW)
H-281 R/W ALVERNON WAY, 22ND to Pima (showing Fernald & County Sec. Lines)
H-283 Widening of Flower Street, Between Alvernon Way And Columbus Boulevard (See Also Plans: S-574, S-578, S-579, S-580)
H-284 Proposed OPENING & WIDENING of HIGGINS LANE SW¼, SE¼, Section 27, T13S, R13E, (Refilm) Rev.
H-285 Proposed 120' Right Of Way for GRANT ROAD, Between Sparkman & Richey
H-286 Study of City owned property West Side Freeway between Speedway & Street Mary's Road (Ref. Gen. File Number 134)
H-287 - Void -
H-288 Study of 14th ST in SEC. 13, T. 14S., R.14E
H-289 Study of dedicated street in Lot 18, AMPHITHEATER ACRES ADDITION.
H-290 Fort Lowell R/W 1st. to Campbell
H-291 Fort LOWELL ROAD R/W from Flowing Wells Road to Romero (See H-308 for Rev. Map)
H-292 Proposed vacating of 31st STREET, Alvernon to Chrysler
H-293 Proposed vacating of AMHERST DR. & a portion of YALE DR. in Yale Estates.
H-294 Survey & topog. of proposed EASY STREET
H-295 TUCSON CONTROLLED ACCESS PROJ. #1-10-4 (6) 259 AFE 8418
H-296 Property study & survey of area adjacent to proposed Hegel Lane.
H-297 Proposed R/W vacations & dedications in BLOCKS 1, 8 & 9 of Randolph Addition.
H-298 NE¼, NE¼, SECTION 26, T14S, R13E, Showing Proposed HIGHWAY, Industrial Center, Tentative Plat, With Proposed Interstate Highway Thru It
H-299 R/W Study of ALLEN ROAD, Mountain to Campbell Avenue
H-300 Lands acquired for water resources in the SAN PEDRO VALLEY, COCHISE COUNTY, North of Benson.
H-301 License agreement For Parking on Old Vail Road
H-302 R/W study of GRANT ROAD, easterly of SPRR