Maps and Records


H # Description Township Range Section
H-63-010 Campbell Avenue Penetration Route I-10 to Airport
H-63-011 Proposed Roadway between Fort Lowell Road & Presidio Road in Lot 4, Farmington Addition & in Northeast ¼, Northwest ¼ Section 33, T13S, R14E
H-63-012 Right-of-way to be acquired on North side of Bray Road near Country Club & Grant (Timbanard-Grant Road Rez. C9-63-15)
H-63-013 Property Opening of Mann Avenue thru the westerly portion of Palo Verde Park
H-63-014 Property Establishment of W. 22nd Street from Farmington Road to La Cholla Boulevard regarding City of Tucson & Ginsburg-Bluckman Property (See also H-62-002)
H-63-015 Broadway-Country Club to Randolph Way Prelim. R/W Study
H-63-016 R/W Study of Grant Road from Miracle Mile Strip to Tucson Controlled Access Highway
H-63-017 Opening of Nebraska Street between 15th Avenue & Interstate Highway I-19
H-63-018 Aerial Route for Butterfild Route from Tucson Controlled Access Highway (Freeway) to Park Avenue
H-63-019 Map showing results of survey verifying location of Fernald Section line & county center line between Speedway Boulevard & Broadway Boulevard on Alvernon Way.
H-63-020 Ground control map for aerial photography of portion of Airport Access Route (Valencia to Ajo Way)
H-63-021 Prelim. Monument line layout from 12th Street - 13th Street Connection of Butterfield stage Route, from 6th Avenue to Park Avenue For aerial photography ground control
H-63-022 Property Dedication of Langley Avenue, Julia Street Drainageway & alley thru Palo Verde Park in the NE ¼ Section 18, T14S, R15E
H-63-023 Broadway Underpass Survey Preliminary
H-63-024 R/W Study of Pima Street from Palo Verde Boulevard to Wilmot Road
H-64-000 - 1964 - Class ''H'' - SURVEYS, MONUMENT MAPS: Current Lot, Block and Boundary Surveys, City of Tucson Record of Surveys
H-64-001 R/W acquisition Map for Development of Tucson Boulevard - Airport Access Highway form Valencia Road to I-10
H-64-002 Detail of Freeway & St. Mary's Road (Pima Co. Highway Plans)
H-64-003 Property Widening of Fort Lowell Road from Oracle Road to 1st Avenue
H-64-004 Property R/W acquisitions at Intersection of Valencia & Tucson Boulevard (Airport Access Highway)
H-64-005 Property Widening of Prince Road from Oracle to Freeway
H-64-006 Study of Fairview Avenue from Prince Road to ¼ mile N. of Prince Road
H-64-007 Benson Highway R/W - 6th Avenue Overpass to Veterans Overpass
H-64-008 Property Widening of Tucson Boulevard between Arroyo Chico & 22nd Street
H-64-009 Property Realignment of West Speedway. & opening of La Cholla Boulevard In SW ¼ SW¼ Section 3 & N½ NW¼ Section 10
H-64-010 Monument Diagram of Craycroft Addition Improvement District
H-64-011 Property Trade of City owned Property on Nebraska Street for Property owned by Harry Marks
H-64-012 Property Widening of Alvernon Way between Broadway & Bellevue
H-64-013 Study of Property R/W for Flowing Wells Road from Miracle Mile to Roger Road
H-64-014 Proposed realignment of Tucson Boulevard at Speedway Boulevard
H-64-015 Preliminary Study of Silverbell Road, Congress Street to Street Mary's Road
H-65-000 - 1965 - Class ''H'' - SURVEYS, MONUMENT MAPS: Current Lot, Block and Boundary Surveys, City of Tucson Record of Surveys
H-65-001 Property Opening of 36th Street, 34th Street & Santa Cruz Lane in Section 23 & 26, T14S, R14E
H-65-002 Property R/W changes in Vista Del Pueblo No. 2
H-65-003 Plat showing the establishment of Westmoreland Avenue thru Portions of Lots 2, 22 & 26 in Section 11, T.14S., R.13E. M & P 18/47
H-65-004 - Void -
H-65-005 Property Refuse Disposal Area (Santa Cruz & 29th)
H-65-006 - Void -
H-65-007 Pascua Subdivision and Area
H-65-008 Monument Map of Coronado Heights
H-66-000 - 1966 - Class ''H'' - SURVEYS, MONUMENT MAPS: Current Lot, Block and Boundary Surveys, City of Tucson Record of Surveys
H-66-001 Survey of NE¼ SEC. 23 & SE¼ SEC. 14, 14-13 (HayhurStreetProperty)
H-66-002 Survey of Part of SEC. 14 & 23, 14-13 (22ND Street - Freeway Farmington Road Area)
H-67-000 - 1967 -Class ''H'' - SURVEYS, MONUMENT MAPS: Current Lot, Block and Boundary Surveys, City of Tucson Record of Surveys
H-67-001 State of Arizona - Index to Project Plan
H-67-002 Boundary Survey Urban Renewal Area by Blanton & Co.
H-68-000 - 1968 - SURVEYS, MONUMENT MAPS: Current Lot, Block and Boundary Surveys, City of Tucson Record of Surveys
H-68-001 Survey of SE Corner of Twenty-9th Street & Swan Road (Wheeler, Petterson & Coffeen)
H-69-000 - 1969 - Class SURVEYS, MONUMENT MAPS: Current Lot, Block and Boundary Surveys, City of Tucson Record of Surveys
H-69-001 Edison Street East of Dodge Exit Street R/W Conditions