HS-1939 |
MAP of TUCSON Surveyed By Order Of Major D. Fergusson 1st Cavy. C.V., Commanding District of Western Arizona--Latitude 32D, 12', 54"5 N... Longitude 110D, 52', 55" W. |
Yes |
HS-1957 |
Map of Tucson Arizona 1957 - Distributed by Blakely's Gas Stations |
RefOnly |
Yes |
HS-2021-001 |
Map of Southeastern Arizona around 1920 showing Highways and Rail Roads. (NOTE: date is based on the fact almost all the highways are not paved. Image came from Stone Ave Project and it lists this as 1926 map), (NOTE: Electronic Image Only). |
RefOnly |
Yes |
HS-2021-002 |
Map of Bus service (Transit) service around Tucson in 1930s. (NOTE: Date based on the Municipal Golf Course had yet to be moved to Randolph Park (1935), the El Con Hotel (built in 1928) and Airport had not yet been converted into Davis-Monthan AFB 1940s), (NOTE: Electronic File Only). |
RefOnly |
Yes |
HS-2021-003 |
Map of Township 15 South, Range 13 East showing the Tohono O'odham Nation Reservation, San Xavier District, from June 6th, 1871, surveyed by J. W. Foreman. |
Yes |
I-000 |
Class ''I'' - PAVING IMPROVEMENT: Paving and Widening Plans. Plan Numbers I-001 through I-864 are Plans Before 1962. |
- 000 - |
No |
I-001 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-002 |
DAVIS STREET & SAINT MARY'S AVENUE property changes, being a widening of same in South McKinley Park (January 1909) |
3 |
Yes |
I-003 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-004 |
WEST SIDE OF TUCSON, assessment area for property improvements Paseo Redondo, Goldschmidts ADDITION, Santa Cruz ADDITION, some of White Lots & Part of Original City, owners, some Block & lot dimenions 2-8-10 - Missing - |
Missing |
No |
I-005 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-006 |
BROADWAY BOULEVARD and 11TH STREETS property sidewalks, curbs & gutters for, from Church & Convent to Toole Avenue with estimate of quantities and various sidewalk grades Dated: November 1912 |
3 |
Yes |
I-007 |
MESSILLA STREET property widening from Main Street to EP & SW R/W thru Fish & Jacobs Tracts. Gives survey with bearing of South line of Main Street April 1912 |
Yes |
I-008 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-009 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-010 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-011 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-012 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-013 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-014 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-015 |
SUBWAY, on Congress & Toole, complete plans & Assessment diagrams with maps giving angles & bearings of subway 4th Avenue Underpass Dated: April 1915 |
3 |
Yes |
I-016 |
CONGRESS STREET Widening Maiden Lane Elemination Blocks. 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205 and 206 as affected. Various maps giving Assessment District & all lots & blocks affected with their sizes, frontages & area, misc.plats made at different times. |
Yes |
I-017 |
Block 257, property paving of alley, profiles, plans details of construction 3-13 NOTE: MISSING |
Missing |
No |
I-018 |
TOOLE AVENUE Improvement District Paving, Curbs & Walks on Toole, 4th & 5th Avenues, Pennington & 10th Sts. with details of intersections of Alameda, Toole & 6th Avenue paving Plat & Plans 8-14 |
3 |
Yes |
I-019 |
NELSON BLOCK TYNDALL AVENUE Widening thru & ext. of 2nd Street thru dimen. & a few bearings with plat to accompany report req. by owners & containing report with description of lots to be deeded to City to widen Tyndall Avenue This plat ties NELSON BLOCK to section Corner, giving bearing & distance (1909 & 1915) |
3 |
Yes |
I-020 |
CONGRESS STREET paving & Improvement plans, complete plans Assessment plats, profiles, typical cross sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, sewers, water mains etc. constr. & to be constructed (1913) |
5 |
Yes |
I-021 |
PENNINGTON STREET Improvement Plans curbs & walks constructed. Assessment plat & plat showing frontage on (10/14) |
3 |
Yes |
I-022 |
SOUTH STONE AVENUE Paving & Improvement from SPRR to Corral Street, Assessment plats, plans details & plans of culverts at various street intersections. |
3 |
Yes |
I-023 |
6TH AVENUE Widening, 3rd Street to Stone, plans Assessment plat shows land to be taken & blocks. affected with bearings along Blocks. 194 & 195. Computations of Assessment shown (1913) |
3 |
Yes |
I-024 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-025 |
12TH AVENUE Grading from SPRR North to City Limits; plan, profile & Assessment sheet, with alignment also (1914) |
3 |
Yes |
I-026 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-027 |
MEYERS STREET Paving Improvement, paving, walks & gutter, plan & profile, Assessment sheet & grades |
3 |
Yes |
I-028 |
6TH, 5TH & TOOLE AVENUES, BROADWAY, 12TH, 13TH, 14TH STREETS SCOTT, JACKSON & OCHOA STREETS & a portion of alley, Between Scott & 6th Avenue, thru Block 257 all as described in Res. of Int. Number 131. Paving, curbs, walks & gutters, plans Assessment plats, grades & district |
3 |
Yes |
I-029 |
SOUTH STONE AVENUE 6th AVENUE, 17TH, CUSHING, McCORMICK and Sts. paving, sidewalks, curb & gutters with culvert plans also. (Rail top) Plans Assessment plat & district (1915) |
3 |
Yes |
I-030 |
MAIN STREET Sidewalks & curbs, Assessment plat & plat of District Showing blocks. affected & the dimensions, all from Congress Street to 5th with a plat showing grades. |
3 |
Yes |
I-031 |
NORTH 6th AVENUE, EAST 10TH & PENNINGTON STREET Paving & Improvement Sidewalks, curbs & gutter, Assessment plats showing details of Toole Avenue & Alameda Street Intersection (January 1915) |
3 |
Yes |
I-032 |
WEST CONGRESS STREET Widening, from Toole Avenue to WEST City Limits, Assessment sheets & District showing land to be taken |
3 |
Yes |
I-033 |
NORTH MEYER STREET Property plan of widening & location of Old City Hall, a survey from Congress to Franklin with bearings. |
3 |
Yes |
I-034 |
CHURCH & COURT STREETS Property straightening of curbs on, alignment with all streets, walks & some angles. |
3 |
Yes |
I-035 |
ALAMEDA, COURT, CHURCH, MEYER, OTT, MAIN & PENNINGTON STREETS Improvement of portions of; paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks & sewers, with plans of conduits & lighting system added in 1917 on yr. later being superimposed on Improvement plans. Assessment plat, grade Profiles (1916 & 1917) |
3 |
Yes |
I-036 |
BLOCK 189 , Complete survey with all bearings & distances shows strip taken for street purposes, being the first SUBDIVISION of said block (1916) |
3 |
Yes |
I-037 |
NORTH SCOTT OR BELKNAP STREET Widening from South line of SUBDIVISION 24, of lot 4, Block 195 to South line of Pennington Street Plats showing land to be taken, Assessment District & surveys (1916) |
3 |
Yes |
I-038 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-039 |
BLOCK 83, &93, plan for paving of alley, thru; Assessment sheets & profiles with dimensions of Lots & Blocks. |
3 |
Yes |
I-040 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |
I-041 |
NORTH MAIN STREET & 12TH AVE & WASHINGTON ST property paving from Alameda Street to NORTH City Limits -- MISSING |
Missing |
No |
I-042 |
BROADWAY BLVD. WIDENING plans -- Assessment sheet & misc. surveys of same with plats showing ground to be taken -- Maps at various times previous to actual widening. |
3 |
Yes |
I-043 |
NORTH STONE AVENUE to SPRR to DRACHMAN STREET & Drachman Street from Stone to 12th Avenue paving Improvement with plan of culverts & a property conn. of Oracle Road paving with this Improvement of the City of Tucson. Assessment sheets & grades for, profiles |
3 |
Yes |
I-044 |
- Void - |
- Void - |
No |