Maps and Records

H-Drawing H-2010-031

H # H-2010-031
Scanned Yes
Township 14S
Range 14E
Section 32
H #TownshipRangeSection
H-2010-031 14S 14E 31
H-2010-031 15S 14E 05
H-2010-031 15S 14E 06
H-2010-031 15S 14E 07
H-2010-031 15S 14E 08
H-2010-031 15S 14E 17
H-2010-031 15S 14E 18

Campbell Avenue: Valencia Road to Benson Hwy (monument perpetuation), Sections 31 & 32, T14S, R14E and Sections 5, 6, 7 & 8, T15S, R14E (Putt Land Surveying), Reference Pima County Sequence Number 20110100405

Sequence No
Film Roll
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