Maps and Records

H-Drawing H-2021-010

H # H-2021-010
Scanned Yes
Township T14S
Range R14E
Section 12
H #TownshipRangeSection
H-2021-010 T13S R14E 20
H-2021-010 T13S R14E 20
H-2021-010 T13S R14E 29
H-2021-010 T13S R14E 32
H-2021-010 T14S R13E 12
H-2021-010 T14S R14E 05
H-2021-010 T14S R14E 08
H-2021-010 T14S R14E 09
H-2021-010 T14S R14E 11
H-2021-010 T14S R14E 17

Monument Perpetuation Survey to Reference & Replace monuments that were disturbed or destroyed during an overlay project (COT Plan No. U-2021-006) located within Sections 20, 29 & 32, T13S, R14E, Sections 5, 8, 9, 11, 12 & 17, T14S, R14E, and Section 12, T14S, R13E, G&SRM, Pima County, Tucson, Arizona (COT) see also Seq. 20212880610

Sequence No
Film Roll
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